The Call for Proposals has closed for 2015. We’ll be contacting those who submitted in early October.

The high quality presenters that thrill our attendees are the primary reason that our conference is considered amongst the top venues in the country. Presenters also receive a significant discount on registration. Whether you are a first-time or returning presenter, your presence makes a difference.

There are three types of sessions to choose from this year:

  • Concurrent (1 Hour) One or more presenters addressing an audience.
  • Bring Your Own Device (2.25 Hours) Presenters deliver content in a more interactive, hands-on environment where the audience brings their own laptops or other devices.
  • Ignite Session (5 Minutes) Micro presentations focused on a particular solution, tool or resource. (5 different Ignite sessions will be combined into one session.

Here are some tips from Marie Hone, our Presentations Committee chair, for writing a winning proposal:

1) Be thoughtful and thorough in your descriptions:  Use the first few sentences to grab our attention and be succinct. The description should include the tools and ideas you will share and the technology standards you are addressing and may extend to the manner of your presentation, the research that supports your presentation.

2) Be specific in your audience, content, and grade level area selections. There are presentations that apply to general audiences, but many sessions work better when you plan with a specific audience in mind. VSTE serves many different constituent groups and we like to have sessions that target specific needs as well as sessions that apply equally to all.

3) Find ways to weave our theme, “Honor the Past. Imagine the Future”, into your session. Think of fun ways to incorporate our theme however you choose and help join in the fun of presenting at the VSTE Conference.

4) Submit! Don’t be afraid to take that far-out idea you have been mulling over and turn it into a session description. New and exciting ideas are one of the reasons the VSTE Conference is a great place to be!