Sunday, December 7, 2013, 8:00 AM
The conference will be proceeding with the delayed opening on Sunday described in yesterday’s update. If hazardous roads prevent you from attending on Sunday, please submit all details including information about road conditions and closures in your area, and we will consult with our insurer  to determine if a refund is warranted. Refunds may only be made for the affected day.
Friday, December 6, 2013, 12:00 PM
VSTE is continuing to monitor the weather for this upcoming weekend. The conference will go on as planned with the exception of a delayed start on Sunday morning. Registration will open at 8 AM and the first concurrent sessions will begin at 9:45 AM. Sessions scheduled for 8:30 will be held at 12:45.
For those of you who arrive early, we are pleased to offer “Breakfast with the Experts.” Our spotlight and keynote speakers–Vicki Davis, Steven Anderson, Rushton Hurley and Chris O’Neal–will hold an informal conversation in Crystal C/D from 8:30 to 9:30 AM. They’ll be talking technology, integration, instruction and more…grab your breakfast and join in with your questions and comments.
Many attendees are already planning to come in on Saturday and, for those of you traveling from across the state, we recommend making plans to arrive on Saturday. Contact the conference hotels for room availability. More information can be found on the lodging page.
For those of you traveling, this Q&A may be helpful.
See you in Roanoke!
VSTE is closely monitoring the weather for this upcoming weekend. Knowing how quickly forecasts can change, we will not be making any decisions about weather-related changes until Friday at the earliest.